Friday, September 30, 2005

Federation Parliament Ends Session

Federal District, GS (TST) – The Federation Parliament of the schnauzerlands adjourned its semi-annual session after adoption of the Federation budget and final approval of major government initiatives, including the multinational transportation system plans introduced last month.
Among other notable legislation adopted during the session:
  • authorization for townships to merge into urban townships or metropolitan townships, based upon geographic contiguity and population destiny; Such consolidations would allow more flexibility and cost efficiencies in providing public services for law enforcement, education, utilities, and mass transit systems,

  • an electronic transactions law that will authorize the use of electronic technology for business, financial, legal, and government transactions, including electronic signatures by individual citizens and business entities,

  • expansion of national lotteries to fund undergraduate and graduate college educational programs, and funding of technology for primary and secondary schools at the township level, and

  • standardized codes for construction of public facilities and buildings that might be used for emergency management activities.
The Federation Parliament will return to the capitol for its next session following township elections in late October. Many townships are expected to vote on consolidation proposals; while the number of township delegates to Parliament will remain unchanged, delegate district boundaries may be changed in some of the newly consolidated township districts to recognize legal requirements that delegate districts within a township have as close to equal populations as practicable.


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