Thursday, September 01, 2005

Sports Teams Have a Building Boom

Schatzchen City, PS (TST)—Play Ball! Goal! Touchdown! Three-Pointer! These will be heard a lot more frequently throughout the schnauzerlands after professional sports leagues and local governments in many metropolitan areas throughout the schnauzerlands announced plans to construct sports and entertainment complex facilities. “We want to take advantage of the decisions by the Federation and national governments for improvements in transportation throughout the Federation, as well as play a significant role in enhancing tourism and recreation opportunities,” said Helmut von Black, mayor of Liebchen City, the oldest metropolitan city in the schnauzerlands. Teams from professional leagues for four different types of football, baseball, and basketball, as well as university-level teams plan to use the new facilities.

According to the plans, multi-purpose facilities for indoor and outdoor sports will be built, with professional teams adopting the various facilities as their home arenas. For example, many of the cities will include a shared outdoor stadium for baseball and Oz-Rules Football, a separate outdoor facility that can be used for tackle rule and soccer rule football, and an arena for basketball and indoor rule football. Many of the complexes will also include either a natatorium, or a track and field stadium that can be used for concerts and other events.

“Schnauzervolk are very sports-minded, competitive people. Having such a vast network of sports facilities in place will make it possible to attract world level sporting events, and make many schnauzerland locales a even more popular destination for residents and international visitors alike,” said Erick von Leader, mayor of Kinderlieb City, KL. The facilities are being paid without the use of government tax revenue, although land is being donated in the various cities involved, and some areas may need to construct mass transit, railway or limited highway access facilities in connection with a local project. Team and league owners have contributed funding and obtained private financing for the construction of the various multi-stadia projects.


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